Friday, January 6, 2012

Southern Humboldt School District needs your help

Please contact California state legislators and let them know how important school transportation is to the rural areas of Humboldt County.

The Honorable Edmund G. Brown

Governor, State of California

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

... The Honorable Wesley Chesbro

Member, California State Assembly

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

The Honorable Noreen Evans

Member, California State Senate

State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear State Senator Evans,

Dear California State Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro,

Dear Governor Edmund G. Brown

I am writing to object to the targeting of the students in rural California for disproportionate cuts because state revenues are significantly less than anticipated in the adopted 2011-12 State Budget. The State Budget trigger will cut all Home-to-School and Special Education Transportation funding from January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012. 90% of the students in the Southern Humboldt Unified School District require Home-to-School Transportation. Most of the families are unable to provide transportation for their children to go to school. Many of the District’s families are low-income, many are single-parent or two-parent families who are working. They do not have the funds or the time to provide transportation services.

Additionally, many of the students in the Southern Humboldt Unified School District live more than a mile from the school campus, while most live more than 30 miles from school. There are no sidewalks, no regional transportation, and no bicycle lanes along the rural roads; there are no other options available for the students to transport themselves to school. The elimination of Home-to-School and Special Education Transportation funds would endanger student safety going to and from school.

For these reasons, I am writing to urge you to reverse the targeted Home-to-School and Special Education Transportation cuts that are part of the State Budget enacted on June 30, 2011. If this is impossible; I am further asking you to at least reconsider this decision to all rural school districts. The across the board cut is detrimental to rural communities and it seems constitutionally unfair where a majority of students within the district are cut off from attaining an education. Please consider a decision that is fair for every student.

Thank you for your consideration of this critical matter.

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